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Ranking Your Website in Competitive Markets


To ensure your website is successful it’s important to strive to reach top search engine ranking. However, some very competitive markets are seemingly impossible to rank in when pitted against conglomerates and other large-scale companies. Don’t let this discourage you, there are several strategies you can use to gather your share of the market!

One of the most common mistakes website owners make is tailoring their content to try and rank for general keywords. However, if you have a clearly defined niche audience you are attempting to reach, you could be ranking higher in their search results than large companies. To do this, companies have to understand what makes their product or services stand out from the large corporations and target those audiences extensively. To do this, smaller companies must be more concise with what market they are attempting to reach and focus on less competitive search engine terms.

Large companies have many resources and funding that small business owners won’t. Trying to be competitive for general keywords will likely only end in a hurt wallet and no increase in business. For example, the supplement industry is very competitive. With the wide variety of products available to consumers, it is important to find your niche and exploit it when crafting new, engaging content. Instead of saying just “protein powder”, a smaller business could experiment with more detailed phrases like “protein powder for CrossFit athletes” or “protein powder for muscle recovery”.

By following this strategy, the small business will likely rank higher for these keywords because the large company has dominated the more general term. Search engines function to provide the most accurate result possible for their users. By clearly targeting your audiences based on how they search and the terms they use, you will be more likely to achieve sustained organic traffic growth.

If you need any help keeping up with your blogging requirements or updating your content, call the content creation experts at Skynet Solutions. We can write interesting, fresh content for any industry or business, as well as handling your social media and other marketing needs. You can fill out our contact form to get started today. You can also connect with us on FacebookTwitterGoogle+ and LinkedIn!

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